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17483 A0552 Royal Winnipeg Rifles Museum     Officers Of Winnipeg Light Infantry On The Occasion Of Their Final Mess Dinner. Front Row (L- R): Major R.W. Delaney, Cd; Lt.-Col. R.A. Gillespie; Lt.-Col. D. Williamson; Hon. Lt.- Col. W.A. Jjohnston, Qc, Llb; Lt.- Col. D.C. Howat, Cd; Major C.E. Laforme, Cd; Col. C.M. Ackland, Cbe, Mc, Ed; Major C.E. Desroslers, Em; Major L.C. Robson, Cd. Centre Row (L- R): Captain G.M. Hudson, Cd; Captain J.W. Norman; 2/Lt. D.B. Scott; Lt. T.W. Breen; Lt. L.F. Goodman; Capt. J.L.G. Hay; Lt. T.D. Carson; Capt. W.J. Fordyce; Lt. L.A. Rushworth; Capt. A.B. Garrett, Cd. Back Row (L- R): Capt. J.A.C. Lavole, Md; Major J.W. Houlden, Cd (Sm); Lt. A.H. Taylor; Lt. C.J. Nelson; 2/Lt. A.J. Delaney; Lt. W.R. Martin; Lt. G.W. Mackinnon. Inserts: Capt. D.G.F. Kerr; 2/Lt. R.M. Thompson  DiningEventsMilitaryPersonalitiesUniforms 1954, August 29